Clean and Just Transportation
August 20, 2021
9:00 am
12:00 pm
Online Event

The Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force presents the 2nd Virtual Summit Series: United Actions for an Environmentally Just and Regenerative Future

Clean and Just Transportation

9:00 land acknowledgement/welcome  Cheryl Davila & Amos White, CEMTF

Keynote speeches:  How do we accelerate the phase out of gasoline cars and the adoption of electric vehicles?

9:15--Assemblymember Phil Ting--San Francisco, 19th Assembly District

9:30 -- Dan Sperling, Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis and member of the California Air Resources Board

9:45- 10:45 Encouraging Transit, Walking, Biking

Facilitator:  Yusra Arub, UC Berkeley Urban Studies student


  • Chirag Rabari--Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Plan Bay Area Implementation Team
  • Jovanka Beckles--AC Transit Board member
  • Jenn Guitart--California Bicycle Coalition
  • Peter Miller--San Francisco Taxi Workers Alliance, AFL-CIO

10:45 - 11:45  Electrification of Transportation

       Facilitator:  Elena Engel, 350 Bay Area Transportation Team


  • Carleen Cullen--Drive Clean Bay Area
  • Lily Cohen--No New Gas Campaign
  • Tim Sasseen, Ballard Power Systems, Fuel Cell Expert
  • Dr. Gil Tal, Electric Vehicle Center, UC Davis

11:45 - 12:00   Toolkit for Transportation Actions by Cities/Counties

      Jack Lucero Fleck, CEMTF steering committee & 350 Bay Area Transportation Team

     Closing remarks--Cheryl Davila

Please see this flier for photos and bios of all speakers

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