Sustainable Production and Consumption of Resources
October 23, 2020
9:00 am
12:00 pm

The Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force


Virtual Summit Series: For an Environmentally Just and Regenerative Future

Sustainable production and consumption of resources

8:30 - 9:00 am Doors Open / Meet & Greet Attendee Mixer

9:00 - 9:45 am Land Acknowledgement /Welcome/Plenary

  • Councilmember Cheryl Davila, City of Berkeley
  • Corrina Gould, Co-Founder, Sogorea Te Land Trust
  • Debbie Raphael, Director, San Francisco Department of the Environment
  • Amos White, Vice Chair, Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force
  • Armando Davila-Kirkwood, Just Transition Resolution

9:45 - 11:30 am Workshops with Breakout Groups:

1) Consumption-based GHG accounting

  • Chris Jones, Cool Climate Network
  • Brian Reyes, City and County of San Francisco  

2) Zero Waste - Plastic Pollution and Wasted Food Reduction

  • Sara Webber, Berkeley Food Network
  • Yuka Nagashima, FoodShift
  • Jackie Nuñez, Plastic Pollution Coalition
  • Lindsey Hoell, Dispatch Goods

3) Carbon Sequestration - Carbon Farming

  • Ben Wiese, Contra Costa Resource Conservation District
  • Trevor Probert, StopWaste
  • Amos White, 100K Trees for Humanity  
  • Anthony Myint, Zero Foodprint

4) Watershed - Wetlands Restoration

  • Kevin Conger, CMG Landscape Architects
  • Linda Hunter, Wild Oyster Project
  • Caitlin Sweeney, San Francisco Estuary Partnership
  • Liz Taylor, DOER Marine

5) Climate Literacy in Schools

  • Sarah Ranney, Helen Fitzmaurice, Diedre Snyder & Scott Duyan, Sierra Club

Join members from the Sierra Club’s local Climate Literacy Committee for an informative, practical session to understand the importance of climate change education and how to get started in your own school district or independent school. 
Be prepared to participate! During the workshop you’ll be connected to other leaders in your community, and take practical steps towards organizing your school or district.

11:30 - Noon Report Backs, Next Steps, and Announcement of November Summit

12:00 - 1:00 pm Networking and Follow up Conversations



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